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Provides tools to visualize any EvoSim.

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Page Outline

  1. class EvoViewer
    1. method __init__
    2. method hide_debug_window
    3. method render
    4. method set_pos
    5. method set_resolution
    6. method set_target_rps
    7. method set_tracking_settings
    8. method set_view_size
    9. method show_debug_window
    10. method track_objects

class EvoViewer

Visualize an Evolution Gym simulation.


  • sim_to_view (EvoSim): simulation to view.
  • target_rps (Optional[int]): target rendering speed in renders per second. If None, renders as fast as possible. (default = 50)
  • pos (Tuple[float, float]): position of camera measured in voxels (x,y). (default = (12, 4))
  • view_size (Tuple[float, float]): size of viewbox – the number of voxels the camera can see (w, h). (default = (40, 20))
  • resolution (Tuple[int, int]): resolution of image generated in pixels (w, h). (default = (1200, 600))

method __init__

    sim_to_view: EvoSim,
    target_rps: Optional[int] = 50,
    pos: Tuple[float, float] = (12, 4),
    view_size: Tuple[float, float] = (40, 20),
    resolution: Tuple[int, int] = (1200, 600)
) → None

method hide_debug_window

hide_debug_window() → None

Make the debug window invisible.

method render

    mode: str = 'screen',
    verbose: bool = False,
    hide_background: bool = False,
    hide_grid: bool = False,
    hide_edges: bool = False,
    hide_voxels: bool = False
) → Optional[ndarray]

Render the simulation.


  • mode (str): values of ‘screen’ and ‘human’ will render to a debug window. If set to ‘img’ will return an image array.
  • verbose (bool): whether or not to print the rendering speed (rps) every second.
  • hide_background (bool): whether or not to render the cream-colored background. If shut off background will be white.
  • hide_grid (bool): whether or not to render the grid.
  • hide_edges (bool): whether or not to render edges around all objects.
  • hide_voxels (bool): whether or not to render voxels.


  • Optional[np.ndarray]: if mode is set to img, will return an image array.

method set_pos

set_pos(pos: Tuple[float, float]) → None

Set position of camera.


  • pos (Tuple[float, float]): new position of camera measured in voxels (x,y).

method set_resolution

set_resolution(resolution: Tuple[int, int]) → None

Set resolution of image generated in pixels.


  • view_size (Tuple[float, float]): new resolution (w, h).

method set_target_rps

set_target_rps(target_rps: Optional[int]) → None

Set the target render frequency, in renders per second.


  • target_rps (Optional[int]): target rendering speed in renders per second. If None, renders as fast as possible. (default = 50)

method set_tracking_settings

set_tracking_settings(**settings) → None

Adjust viewer object tracking settings.


  • padding (Tuple[float, float]): padding, measured in voxels, to apply to the adjusted viewbox (padding-x, padding-y).
  • scale (Tuple[float, float]): scaling to apply to the adjusted viewbox (scale-x, scale-y).
  • lock_x (Union[bool, float]): locks the x-pos of the viewer to the given value, or unlocks if set to False.
  • lock_y (Union[bool, float]): locks the y-pos of the viewer to the given value, or unlocks if set to False.
  • lock_width (Union[bool, float]): locks the width of the viewer’s viewbox to the given value, or unlocks if set to False.
  • lock_height (Union[bool, float]): locks the height of the viewer’s viewbox to the given value, or unlocks if set to False.

method set_view_size

set_view_size(view_size: Tuple[float, float]) → None

Set size of viewbox – the number of voxels the camera can see.


  • view_size (Tuple[float, float]): new size of viewbox (w, h).

method show_debug_window

show_debug_window() → None

Make the debug window visible.

method track_objects

track_objects(*objects: Tuple[str]) → None

Set objects for the viewer to automatically track. The viewer tracks objects by adjusting its pos and view_size automatically every time before rendering.

Args: Comma separated names of objects for the viewer to track.

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